Skincare – Wash your face!

Hello there!!
I learned my lesson when it comes to clean my face. Properly clean it, I mean.
Wearing make-up 5-6 days/week + more 10hrs/day + sensitive and dry skin = Me!
I have to confess that when it comes to taking good care of my skin I have always been on the “not so good” side of the fence. I have the tendency to be very lazy (blame it on the long working days and super short night) or even careless.
Everybody knows that it is not good to go to sleep with make-up on and all that jazz, but sometimes I just don’t feel like doing it anymore…
As a result of this misbehavior, my skin turned even more sensitive, redness was more evident regardless of how good my facial cream would be and overall, skin became drier and patchier.
I truly believe it was related to the fact that I just never did a deep cleansing.
Removing daily make-up with wipers or even micellar water was not enough; not for me at least.
It was time to change my routine; I did what I do best and did some research on how to clean your skin properly without spending to much time (time, always time….).
So I got to know all these face cleansing tools; Clinique’s, Philips’ and Foreo’s.
I choose Foreo Luna 2 for sensitive skin (from now on called just Luna).
The idea of having fast-rotating bristles on my sensitive skin did not appeal to me, even the softest bristles.
Luna doesn’t have bristles! It’s all silicone texture. It takes only 1 minute to clean up my whole face and I can do it even under the shower, as Luna is waterproof! Its size is travel-friendly.
I charged mine for 1.5 hrs when I got it (back in September) and did not have to charge it ever since! Yep…
To be honest, I do not use it every single day but when I do, I can feel a huge difference compared with “traditional” cleaning methods.
Top: Closeup on “Cleansing area”
Bottom: Closeup on “Anti-aging area”

My overview in bullet points:

  • Small, light, gentle, waterproof.
  • No need to exchange brush heads! One time payment and you’re done!
  • Quick – only 1-minute cleaning routine
  • Skin feels clean, fresh and soft, even after the first time using it! 🙂
  • Anti-aging function (1 minute)
  • Several versions depending on your skin type.
  • Man version available!

How to use it:

  • Rinse your face and wet your Luna’s surface.
  • Apply your preferred cleanser all over your face.
  • Glide Luna’s surface with circular motions all over your face. Luna will “buzz” every time you need to move to another part of your face (15 sec/quadrant of your face)
  • Rinse when completed;
  • Use the anti-aging side for another minute.
  • Voilá! Finished.

When I use Luna on frequent basis (every single day for a few weeks in a row), I can notice that I hardly get any pimples, my skin is not as patchy or dry as before and feels a lot smoother!
Note to self: do not be lazy and do it every day!!!!

I recommend this little one to everyone who:

  1. Doesn’t have much time to spend on cleansing routines
  2. Needs extra care with their skin

Price? That’s the only downside of it. It is a bit expensive but see it as an investment. I paid 169Eur for mine at and I consider it well spent as it does what it is suppose to.

How do you clean your face? I would love to hear it from you! 🙂

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0 Responses

  1. Eu tenho muita curiosidade em relação a este produto, comecei a vê-lo por todo o lado aqui na Suécia e só não comprei pelo preço e pelas cerdas serem tão curtas, fiquei na dúvida se realmente fazem diferença. Mas depois de ler este post vou pensar no assunto outra vez! 😉

  2. Olá Joana,

    Eu estou muito satisfeita com a minha Luna!
    Gosto particularmente pelo facto de ser em silicone e ser tão gentil na pele.
    Limpa sem ser agressiva.
    Ah, e não tens que repor as cabeças! 😉

    Beijinho e obrigada pela visita!
    Aparece mais vezes 🙂

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Hi, I'm Bárbara!

From PT living in NL

Love to travel & photograph as many memories as possible!